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A Window of Yarn Goodness

New experiences are the best aren’t they!  Well, I guess it depends on the experience.  Last week Dianne and I had a fun one, we were graciously given the opportunity for All Dyed Up to display our items in a window on the main street of Napanee.

4 Dundas Street West 4 Dundas Street West if you would like to take a peek!

Dianne at start of display                         dscn7158

Dianne had a vision for the space.

Window complete                                               4 Dundas at night

There is some yarn in front with a few of Dianne’s hand sewn bags up behind our sign.  (Please pardon the window glare in all of the photos.)  It was fun putting everything together to create the display, at one point I was crouched down in the window placing some yarn and Dianne said to me, “Edith look up, there are two ladies peering in the window.”  Sure enough there were two ladies with their faces pressed to the glass checking out our display.  Dianne said it was a good thing I was crouched over with my behind facing in rather than out!!! Yikes!

Edith reflection 4 Dundas Here I am (well my reflection) checking out our efforts.  As you can imagine Dianne and I made quite a few trips pretending to casually stroll past the window to see what we thought of things.  One of us would do the casual stroll down the sidewalk then dart into the building, communicate an adjustment to the other then back out to take another look.  The whole time we didn’t put on a coat, (it is Canada in November) and we shared Dianne’s shoes because they are the slip on kind and much faster to put on than mine.  We must have been a sight.

We can’t thank Rennie Hutzler enough for sharing her awesome window with us.  We thank Rennie as well for providing us with a fun afternoon together, the indescribable feeling of seeing our creations in a display window, and the joy we got when we saw people taking a moment to look while going by.  Thank you Rennie.

You never know in this life what new experience is right around the corner, for us and All Dyed Up, this was a great one!


2 thoughts on “A Window of Yarn Goodness

  1. You two ladies are very talented

  2. I was thrilled to see the beautiful yarn in the window. .

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